Saturday, September 20, 2008

Quick Note

Here is a note from Cdog77 from our forums:

Hey guys the new season of Game Predictions is just about to start! I have already put up the preseason games up, so go and pick who is going to win. For those who don't know what game predictions is, let me explain:
Allison or me (cdog77) will post the games and all you have to do is pick who is going to win. Allison or me will lock the page right before the game starts. The points work this way, 3 points if the team you pick wins in regular time, 2 points
for an over time win and 1 point if your pick losses in overtime. No points if you lose in regular time.
So come and join us for this fun and free game! Just go to the Game Predictions page and let us know that you want to play. Let the best player win! Good luck!
