Saturday, January 28, 2006


So it was less than a week ago that I was celebrating us hitting 10 000 hits in a day! Well, we've been climbing up about 1000 a day, and hit 14 000 yesterday. Today, we hit 20 000+ hits!! This is excellent, I want to thank everyone for making us part of the daily internet surfing, we really appreciate it. Talk on the forums has also really picked up, and I couldn't be happier about that! The more traffic we get, the more people I get to talk to, and the more people I talk to, the more information and rumours I get that I can post for all of you to read!

Speaking of rumours to read, check out our rumour mill section on for some late night rumours I just put up. Things around the league are really heating up. Edmonton is not done, we all know that, while changes are coming in Toronto and Montreal. Minnesota is also looking to add to their team to make a strong push for the playoffs!

If you haven't already, make sure you check out our Q & A with Wade Belak! Thats all for now, have a good night, and enjoy your Saturday!